Saturday, 9 August 2014

How To Kiss...

As part of 9jainfoblox commitment to providing information and educating its valued readers. This is a special one. Read on to grasp the knowledge you have always been searching for...

Step 1: Moving In

The first step to a kiss is “moving in”. This begins as eye contact with your partner while your faces are in close proximity. When the eye contact is intense and does not break you know a kiss is going to happen.
Next, one or both partners will lean their face towards the other person’s face. Keep your eyes open and maintain eye contact while “moving in”. This will prevent you from missing or having a collision.
When your faces are almost close enough to touch, tilt your head a little to the side. If you both go in for the kiss straight-on your noses will bump, with tilted heads your noses will just rub or not touch at all. As a general rule, tilt your head to the right, this seems to be most natural, hopefully your partner will also tilt their head to their right so you are tilting in opposite directions and won’t bump noses. As you tilt your head, slowly close your eyes, and part your lips.
It is important to close your eyes, keeping them open will probably weird out your partner. When parting your lips don’t open your mouth wide, just part them, as if you were going to take a drink from a cup. You are now about to achieve lip contact.

Step 2: Lip Contact

When your lips touch the position should be one whereby your upper lip is nuzzled between your partner’s lips and your lower lip is just below their lower lip. So, in effect, you have their lower lip between yours and they have your upper lip between theirs. (see diagram to right)

Step 3: Moving Your Lips

There are many ways to move your lips while kissing. As you become more experienced you will try different techniques and learn new ones both on your own and from your kissing partners. I am going to describe the very basic make-out technique.
The motion of kissing is much like if you were giving someone a peck on the cheek. You press your lips on their skin, then pucker your lips, then release. When making out you are basically giving your partner a series of pecks on the lips, but drawing each one out to last longer. You also do not kiss them then pull away, then kiss them and pull away…you maintain lip contact between and during each drawn out peck.

Add Some Variety to Your Kisses

Here are some simple ways to add variety to your kisses:
  1. Don’t kiss just their lower lip the whole time. Switch from top to bottom and try tilting your head a little more so you are kissing the corner area of their mouth.
  2. Stop the kissing motion briefly to slowly swipe your lips across theirs from corner to corner, diagonally.
  3. If you want to kiss their neck don’t just stop kissing their lips and move your head to kiss their neck…make a trail of quick pecks up their jawbone from their lips to their ear then down the side of their neck. Or, you can make a trail of kisses down over and under their chin to their neck. As you kiss under their chin your partner’s head should tilt back to allow easier access to their neck. FYI: tilt your head back some when your partner is trying to kiss your neck!

Practice Makes Perfect

You don’t need a kissing partner to get started on practicing. Here is one way to turn your hand into the perfect kissing practice tool:
Make a fist and face your palm towards you. Now raise two fingers in the “peace” sign (your ‘pointy’ and middle finger). Instead of spreading your fingers in a “V”, keep them together, but slightly parted when neccessary. Now tilt your hand to the side and you have a set of makeshift lips. Pretend the top finger is your partner’s upper lip and the bottom finger is their lower lip.
Below are some other places on your hand that you can use to practice kissing:
  • The web of skin between your thumb and first finger
  • The back of your hand
  • Your wrist

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